Tag Archive for: Teddy Snyder

Counting Our Blessings

Particularly at holiday time, many of us consciously count our blessings. I recently participated in a study group that looked at the question, “What is a blessing?” For me, the all-encompassing blessing is safety and security. You could call it “peace.” That includes being grateful that I have not suffered a disabling injury or illness.
The Blessing Of Peace
Perhaps the most familiar biblical reference to blessing is the priestly benediction in Numbers 6:24-26:
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”
Our group looked at a few sources, including Genesis 12:2 where G-d tells Abraham, “You shall be a blessing.” The conclusion we finally reached was that being a blessing is not about asking for stuff; it’s what you do for other people. Being a blessing to others can bring peace to them and to you.
Mediation Brings Peace
Many of us spend our days confronting conflicts and trying to resolve them. Controlling the conflict in our lives is a way to achieve peace for ourselves and others. Some mediation participants will actually say they are buying their peace. Unlike in a court proceeding, the parties are in control in mediation. Mediation can get people to resolution quicker.
I am grateful I can help bring peace to mediation participants. Try thinking about techniques to bring more peace (closure) to what we do. You shall be a blessing.


Don’t Get Hangry

Hungry negotiators are bad negotiators. The term “hangry” arose because hunger actually makes people angry, hence “hangry.”

If the mediator provides you with a sandwich menu to order food, it’s not just a courtesy. Nourishment keeps people focused on the mediation instead of their tummies. Take advantage of that menu to keep up your blood sugar. If you are released for lunch while the mediator is caucusing in the other room, go get some lunch. Don’t be shy about brown-bagging or bringing snacks for everyone on your team to save time and money.

For some reason, negotiators seem loath to take meal breaks. On one occasion, the injured worker let everyone know he was hangry. He became visibly agitated and wanted to terminate the mediation early, even though negotiations were progressing. Now I bring nutrition bars to mediations to mitigate the problem. But why have a problem at all? Go ahead and eat.

Motivation For Advocacy Based Claims Handling: A New Idea

Pictures of injured workers.

That’s it.

I recently finished reading Pre-Suasion by Robert Cialdini. He relates the story of a group of management consultants who were working at their client’s site in a glass-enclosed conference room. They were tasked with designing incentive programs to reward employees for reaching goals. Rather than being distracted by the activity they could see around them, the ability of the consultants to see the people they were designing for led to a more successful result. They felt a unity with those people. Once this was realized, they placed pictures of workforce members around later on-site workspaces with the same result.

What if claims offices were decorated with pictures of people representing injured workers? This could be pictures of people with disabilities, such as people in wheelchairs, people getting into a medical transportation vehicle, people as patients. Mix in headshots of a diverse group of people.

Cialdini’s research tells us that claims professionals are more likely to feel unity with people they can see. By the way, he also says that those sentimental motivation posters actually succeed. Who would have guessed?

Perhaps no one is marketing images just this way, but it seems like it would be pretty easy to create an appropriate collection. This seems like an inexpensive way to determine if viewing images of injured workers can produce more effective advocacy based claim handling.

What do you think? Would management give it a try?

Why An Injured Worker Is Like Aaron Burr

Hamilton, the ground-breaking musical about colonial forefathers, is finally coming to Los Angeles in August. But maybe you’ve been experiencing a version of that story. Like Aaron Burr, injured workers want to be in the room where it happens [sorry if you encounter an ad at this link]. Instead, they are frequently shut out of discussions and proceedings about their claim.
Ignorance breeds resentment
Go to any WCAB location and you will see a waiting room full of injured workers. Many more injured workers with claims on the calendar are not in attendance. Settlement discussions may occur in courtrooms, cafeterias and even hallways. Injured workers are usually not included in these discussions.

No injured worker should waste time traveling to a Board when nothing will happen. On the other hand, injured workers want to sit in on their attorney’s negotiations. If the injured worker is already at the Board, shutting out that person can foster mistrust.

The Best Place for Settlement Discussions
Mediation provides a forum for the injured worker to listen and participate. Including the injured worker conveys respect and can avoid a problem later.

Likewise, the presence of a representative from the employer’s side shows a seriousness of purpose. That representative will get a better picture of the negotiation by being in the room where it happens.

Regardless of which side an attorney represents, counsel will want to prepare the client for mediation. That includes a preview of how mediation works. Counsel may want to coach clients to be temperate in their comments. In joint session or when the mediator is present, client or counsel can ask for time for a private discussion with each other at any point.
Multiple Rooms
Typically there are at least two rooms where it happens, because each side is in its own caucus. As mediator, I shuttle between the rooms to speak with lawyers and their clients. Sometimes I speak only with the attorneys (often in the hall), and attorneys can request to speak privately with the mediator or with the mediator and opposing counsel. When counsel returns to caucus, the client can provide immediate feedback—assuming the client is in the room where it happens.

Stop Hiding The Ball: What You Need To Tell The Other Side

Your best friend in negotiation can be your opponent—provided you put your report where your mouth is. Too often parties withhold evidence which would support their position. Sure, your opponent’s initial reaction may be to denigrate your evidence. But they may not have anything to refute it. It might even be too late for them to try to work up something.
Help Your Opponent Convince Their Client
So why did it take so long to get to this point? Because you have been hiding the ball. If you expect large sums for a life pension or for treatment the carrier had denied plus penalties plus fees, be prepared to show why the employer was wrong. You can’t expect opposing counsel to advise their client to change their case evaluation if you’ve been keeping secret the reports that crush their position. Of course, timing is important. There are many reasons why you might not want to show your hand too early. But by the time you are at the mediation table, you must be prepared to put your cards on the table.

How Mediation Confidentiality Helps
Perhaps you have a sub rosa video or some other smoking gun the other side doesn’t know about. Your mediation brief can be confidential– for the mediator’s eyes only. When you are in caucus (a private meeting with the mediator,) you can discuss secret information with the mediator. If you don’t want it disclosed to the other side, it goes no further. But putting the mediator in the picture allows her to frame the issues in the case to maximize the potential for settlement.

Negotiations succeed when parties are in the same ballpark. If you don’t communicate what your ballpark is, your opponent will assume that their evaluation is the correct one. It’s hard to play in the same game when one of you is at Dodger Stadium in L.A. and the other is at Angel Stadium in Anaheim. To bring everyone to the same field, you have to communicate.

America Runs On . . .

You’ve probably seen the ad:

Courtrooms– even WCAB courtrooms– run on evidence. It’s your job to make sure you have evidence to support your view of the case.

The advice to communicate your evidence so your opponent can help you “sell” your position assumes you’ve done everything necessary to gather that evidence.  That could mean obtaining a narrative medical or vocational report or ordering a Medicare Set-Aside allocation report.

Mediations are efficient and successful when everyone comes prepared with information to support their demand or offer.

You Have To Play To Win

–How Mediation Is (Not) Like the Lottery–

No, I’m not advocating you play the lottery, but the slogan does apply: you have to play to win. The odds of winning the California Super Lotto Jackpot are 18 million to 1 against you. The likelihood you will be able to resolve your workers compensation issue in mediation is more like 80-90% in your favor providing you participate.

Take a Calculated Risk
The only settlement offer without a chance of acceptance is the one you never make. Some parties complain that they can’t settle the case. Yet, those same parties refuse mediation or come to mediation unwilling to negotiate. You cannot expect resolution in mediation if your position is to never move off the number that was refused pre-mediation. You have to play to win.

Playing the lottery is the classic example of a blind risk. A blind risk embodies an irrational hope, an action based on nothing more than emotion, expecting something for nothing. A person who takes a calculated risk, on the other hand, has objectively assessed the situation and examined the upside and downside potential. This is true for investors, explorers, world leaders, and negotiators.

First evaluate, then negotiate
Before you can effectively negotiate, you have to do your homework, i.e., run the numbers to evaluate the claim. Once you have considered the best and worst alternatives to a negotiated agreement, you are ready to proffer your demand or offer. You have to play to win.

Mediation allows the people with the most knowledge about the claim to take control of resolving it. During mediation, the mediator can help you calculate your risks and negotiate resolution.

Heartsink Patients

Heartsink” is the term for how the treater feels when it is difficult if not impossible to help patients with chronic pain and disability. A 1989 Toronto Star editorial placed these patients into four categories: dependent clingers, entitled demanders, manipulative help-rejecters, and self-destructive deniers.
You know these injured workers. They are the ones whose life is wrapped up in their claim. The only way they will give up that obsession is to replace it with a plan for life after claim closure.Injured workers need to feel that a settlement is the just result. They need adequate compensation to create a safety net for future medical care. A WCAB hearing is often just a prelude to more conflict.

Mediation can provide the forum to help the injured worker create a plan for life without an ongoing claim.


How Minimum Wage Laws Affect Indemnity Payments

SAWW is going up. The California State Average Weekly Wage determines the annual adjustment of the minimum and maximum payments to persons receiving temporary disability benefits per Labor Code 4453(a)(10). The State Average Weekly Wage also determines the adjustment to payments to persons receiving a life pension or total permanent disability indemnity per Labor Code 4659(c).

In June, the Department of Industrial Relations Division of Workers Compensation announced an increase for payments starting January 1, 2017. The minimum TTD rate will increase from $169.26 to $175.88 and the maximum TTD rate will increase from $1,128.43 to $1,172.57 per week.

In a separate development, a new rule gradually raising the minimum hourly wage to $15 by January 1, 2023 was signed into law in April. A rising minimum hourly rate will increase the State Average Weekly Wage over the next seven years and in consequence some workers compensation indemnity benefits.But there’s a safety valve. After January 1, 2017, the governor can delay any scheduled increase for one year if certain economic or budget conditions exist. The economy has been expanding. Some experts predict a collapse.

Effect on Settlements
When evaluating claims for settlement, parties may have to consider how the expected SAWW increases will affect the value of future indemnity benefits. The minimum hourly wage increases are small, 50 cents the first two years and a dollar a year thereafter. Is this enough to affect the historic rate of increase we have seen for life pensions? Claims subject to minimum and maximum TD increases are most likely to be affected. An across-the-board increase in claim value will also increase attorney compensation.

Predicting is hard.  Settling sooner rather than later avoids uncertainty.


Preparing a mediation brief is the one thing you can do to maximize the likelihood of a successful mediation. The goal in mediation is to define issues and resolve them. You can get a head start by alerting your mediator to the issues and suggesting why those issues tilt in your favor.

Lack of a brief unnecessarily lengthens the mediation. Your mediator is probably being paid according to how much time is spent in mediation. Effective resource management dictates you don’t want the mediator to have to spend the first hour—or two or three—digging out the issues.

Mediation can be an exhausting process. People get cantankerous which makes negotiation more difficult. Short-cutting the mediation by defining issues in advance can keep participants at their best.

The brief need not be formal. A letter may be adequate. If you are in doubt about how formal your brief must be, contact the mediator and ask.

A party who does not brief the issues may be allowing the other side to define the discourse. Send your brief to the mediator far enough ahead of the mediation so the mediator has adequate time to review it.

The mediation brief you send the mediator is confidential. You decide whether to share it with the opposing party. Information disclosed to the mediator during mediation is not discoverable. The mediator cannot be subpoenaed. This allows you to control when to disclose your “smoking gun”—maybe not until trial.

Some parties prepare two briefs: one for the opposing party and one for the mediator. More commonly, a party prepares just one, but may decide to waive confidentiality of the brief during mediation.

The Regulation (Almost) Nobody Follows

“If a party requests that a defendant provide a computer printout of benefits paid, within twenty (20) days the defendant shall provide the requesting party with a current computer printout of benefits paid. The printout shall include the date and amount of each payment of temporary disability indemnity, permanent disability indemnity, and vocational rehabilitation maintenance allowance, and the period covered by each payment, and the date, payee, and amount of each payment for medical treatment. This request may not be made more frequently than once in a one-hundred-twenty (120) day period unless there is a change in indemnity payments.

A defendant that has paid benefits shall have a current computer printout of benefits paid available for inspection at every mandatory settlement conference.
California Code of Regulations Title 8 §10607.

The benefits printout is the foundation of every workers compensation claim evaluation. Yet, workers compensation professionals often ignore the basic exercise of examining claim expenditures. Attorneys sometimes come to mediation with a rolling cart holding boxes of documents. Yet, when asked for the printout, they have to contact their office or the adjuster. Stranger still are the answers I sometimes get to the question, “How did you get to that number?” When I ask participants how they formulated their demand or offer, their answers may have no relation to actual claim exposure.

Showing up at a mediation or mandatory settlement conference without having scrutinized the printout numbers is inefficient, maybe even sloppy. Better practice is to obtain the printout in advance and create projections to support your claim evaluation.

Workers compensation professionals should review past medical expenses to project future expenses. Of course, parties may disagree about what expenses are reasonable and the likelihood and duration of future care. A medical recommendation for a new treatment (which may be disputed) can skew the numbers. For example, resolution of one mediated case hinged on a medical recommendation for a newly available prosthetic device.

The printout is also critical to resolving retro and overpayment disputes. When parties disagree about whether payments in a given time period should have been paid at the PD or TD rate, the printout is the best evidence of what was actually paid.

When both sides look at the printout together, they can often resolve their disagreements with a little help from the mediator.